
Know how to install our softwares



A guide to get your site running

PHP version

Log into your website cpanel and change php version to 8.0


On PHP version page ensure fileinfo extension is checked, necessary for uploading images


Navigate to Mysql Database

  • Database Name - Create a new database name
  • Database Username & Password - Create a new database user and password
  • Linking - Link database name and user
  • Privileges - Give database user all permissions needed to access database

File Manager

Navigate to File Manager

  • Hidden files - Click on file manager settings and ensure hidden files is checked
  • Navigate to public_html - Upload to this folder with a good internet
  • Unzip - Unzip file
  • Configure .env file - Navigate to core/.env file to add important information

Env file


  • DB_CONNECTION - Don't edit
  • DB_HOST - Don't edit
  • DB_PORT - Don't edit
  • DB_DATABASE - Database Name
  • DB_USERNAME - Database Username
  • DB_PASSWORD - Database Passwod

Env file


  • APP_NAME - Website Name
  • APP_ENV - Don't edit
  • APP_KEY - Don't edit
  • APP_DEBUG - False, if you leave this to be true, script will display errors whenever there is a bug, if you leave it as false, 505 error will be displayed instead of bug report
  • APP_URL - Domain name

Launching Application

Load up your domain name, if you followed our instructions to detail, site will work well

404 Error

If you are getting this error, it means you did not upload .htaccess file in public_html file. If you can't file to upload, you can create a new file called .htaccess in public_html folder and paste the following code.

Laravel .htaccess file


Navigate to Email Accounts(Webmail)

  • Create a new email account
  • Click on connected devices to get SMTP details
  • Take Note of SSL settings

Env file


  • MAIL_DRIVER - Don't edit
  • MAIL_HOST - Outgoing or Incoing server
  • MAIL_PORT - 465 for Webmail(ssl)
  • MAIL_USERNAME - Email address
  • MAIL_PASSWORD - Email Password

Email Settings

If you still experience issues with the email settings. Contact support through our email or chat.

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With over 8 years in website development DelacliQue Web Design Enterprise has created more than 80 efficient and successful websites.

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  • New features/fixing bugs
  • Enhancing scalability
  • Improving the website structure
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